"Lacey is a truly gifted storyteller." - W.E.B. Griffin, New York Times Bestselling Author

“I found Lacey’s storytelling to be fun, poignant and uplifting.” - John O’Melveny Woods, Award Winning Author.

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Cover art by Tatiana Vila


A collection of inspirational stories, written by the New York Times bestselling author T. Jensen Lacey, that have been brought together for the first time. Originally published in the various Chicken Soup book series, Lacey's storytelling abilities shine here, as well as her gift for brevity, and will delight, entertain and brighten the day of readers. Includes Foreword by Amy Newmark, Publisher, Chicken Soup for the Soul books.



From New York Times bestselling author T. Jensen Lacey:
"You should find just the story you need to brighten your day. For those pressed for time (and who isn’t these days), I’ve kept them short, so you can read an entire story in one sitting or while on commute. Brevity is one of my closest allies, and I value your time.